Soon local production and trade will dominate the western hemisphere for sure. – The era of cheap, easy STUFF is over – life will get more difficult from here-The world is about to become a lot more local, with all the global supply chain efficiencies vanishing in short order.
Caution is advised- we will grow, manufacture and process things at the local level, there’s hardly any local working knowledge of this nature and is limited in scope, even gifted artisanal growers will be challenged with the presence of an ever decreasing supply chain of tools, raw goods and materials as we are on the precipice of a new world transition.l
The Coolest Collectible Coin Club has talked about the art of global resources extraction with The 1944 Bretton Woods agreement and the positioning of the dollar as the world reserve currency.
Lack of supply chain goods
combined with the fact that the productive labor force is being decimated.
near-zero ability to run the industrial manufacturing necessary to sustain
World Famine will make it population unable to achieve a sustainable reproduction rate to maintain its labor force.
the ostrich, head in the sand, or elsewhere masses, have no idea any of this is happening, even as their own family, friends and coworkers are being effected right before their very eyes.
The complete and utter debacle of the collapsing disaster of Southwest Airlines exemplifies the ever increasing widespread incompetence of
banks, airlines, government, everything really., It will make us even more dysfunctional, chaotic and barely able to function
local production and trade will dominate – The era of cheap, easy STUFF is over – life will get more difficult from here-GET PREPARED RIGHT NOW!