Laundry and dishwasher detergents are essential to ensuring clean clothes, dishes and proper hygiene. However, most commercial laundry and dishwasher detergents can be toxic to your health. According to experts, there are over 60 different toxic chemicals used to make mainstream detergents and other household cleaners. These harmful compounds can have a negative effect on nearly everything they come across, including your skin and body, as well as the environment.
This is why the Brighteon Store is excited to share that our gentle, eco-friendly and non-toxic Health Ranger Select Laundry Detergent Powder and Health Ranger Select Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Powder are finally back in limited quantities at the BTS. Here, at the Brighteon Store, we firmly believe that cleaning your clothes and dishes shouldn't have to come at the cost of your health or the environment.
Designed to leave all your laundry and dishes clean and spotless without harming your health in the process, our Health Ranger Select Laundry Detergent Powder and Health Ranger Select Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Powder are the ultimate detergent powders for your home and survival cache. Our gentle and safe laundry and dishwasher detergent powders are products of the USA and contain absolutely no abrasives, lye, phosphates, bleach, dyes or artificial fragrances. Moreover, they have been lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
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